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Reading Journal

Keep a record of the books you read in a journal. Think about what you read and write about it in a journal.

Book Discussion

Talk about a book you read with someone else who also read the book. What were each of your opinions and what did you learn from each other about the book?

Book Review

Write a review of a book. Include the book title, author, summary, and your comments about it.

Book Visual

Draw a picture, do an art project, design a diorama, create a poster, or make a video about a book you read. Be creative and have fun.

Coloring Sheets
Printable coloring sheet
Reading Bingo
Use these bingo cards and call sheet to play Bingo with words about reading. Use buttons or make paper markers. 
Printable Bingo
Book Roll
After reading a book, roll dice and the number on the dice is how many interesting words to find in a book. You could pick a word you didn't know the meaning of and then look it up in a dictionary. Roll the dice again and the number on the dice is how many characters, scenes, or facts to find in a book.
Reading Spinner
Make a spinner and then spin it to find a book type (or genre) to pick out to read. You can use a spinner for fiction or non-fiction.
Printable Spinners
Use these organizers to help learn the parts of a fiction or nonfiction book. For fiction, identify story characters, plot, setting, problem, and solution. For non-fiction, identify the main ideas.
Printable Organizers
Fiction Organizer
Non-fiction Organizer
Reading Log
Write down what books you read in a daily reading log. Genre Key: F-fiction, RF-realistic fiction, N-nonfiction, HF-historical fiction, M-mystery, P-poetry, B-biography, Sci-science fiction.
Printable Reading Log

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